KSB KUE Open Day – Gallery - Krakow School of Business

KSB KUE Open Day – Gallery

We start the new week with a recap of Saturday’s Open Day at KSB KUE!

Just like last year, we were delighted to see a fantastic turnout. We could also count on an enthusiastic participation from all the attendees in the prepared attractions, for which we sincerely thank you!

In particular, we would like to express our gratitude to all the individuals who contributed to the organization of the event, including Ms.  Barbara Man from the Mamo Pracuj Foundation, as well as Paweł Morawski Ph.D. and Łukasz Czyż for their respective presentations titled “Leaders of change” – multidimensionality of female leadership and business challenges” and the Oxford-style debate “Krakow is a great hub for professional development as an enabler of work-life harmony.” We also extend our thanks to Piotr Sedlak Ph.D. for hosting the quiz “Secret to Success: Decipher our Quiz about Krakow School of Business KUE.”

We would also like to thank His Magnificence, the Rector of the University of Economics in Krakow, Stanisław Mazur, Ph.D. Assoc. Prof. for his presence and assistance in helping the youngest participants prepare cotton candy!

Our appreciation goes out for organizing children’s entertainment by Hopla KIDS and Tai-Chi workshops and demonstrations by Chen Bing Taiji Academy Poland – Krakow School of Chen Taijiquan.

Thanks to all of you, this Saturday’s Open Day became an unforgettable experience. See you at future events and at the Open Day next year!


Rekrutacja na semestr letni
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Wybierz studia podyplomowe
w Krakowskiej Szkole Biznesu​ UEK