Study Trip Paris 19-22.03.2024 - Krakow School of Business

Study Trip Paris 19-22.03.2024

On March 19-22, participants of the 29th Edition of the Executive MBA KSB KUE program took part in the annual Study Trip Paris at the invitation of our partner school EM Normandie Business School.

On the first day of the trip, program participants were shown around the modern campus of the partner school and took part in the “Introduction to Luxury Goods” seminar led by Sébastien Girard

The next day, confectionery workshops were organized at the FERRANDI Paris culinary school – one of the most prestigious gastronomy schools in the World. In addition to the workshops, classes on French savoir-vivre in the world of diplomacy and business were also conducted.  Next, the program participants visited the headquarters of GROUPE POCHET, the producers of packaging dedicated to exclusive cosmetic brands. 

On Thursday, March 21, participants took part in the “Wine Business Course” led by Prof. Sylvaine Castellano. The course concerned the realities of the wine industry and was combined with wine tasting. The day ended with a cruise on the Seine and a farewell dinner. 

Friday was devoted to visiting the district of luxury brands, where, in addition to admiring the views, participants had the opportunity to take a closer look at the marketing techniques and distinguishing features of the market identification of these companies. 

Study Trip Paris provides a unique educational experience for participants of the KSB KUE Executive MBA program. It combines academic learning with practical insight into the luxury goods market, brand development and sustainability strategies. It also encourages cooperation between institutions, laying the foundations for future initiatives.


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