KSB Values - Krakow School of Business

CSB Vision and Mission

CSB Vision

Values define basic rules of morality, communicated to employees and students. They grow from individual beliefs of employees, commonly observed values and good academic practice. These are:


Responsibility is understood by the School employees as keeping one’s word with regard to both students and the School staff. In the values ranking, it means that the spirit is above the letter of the agreement. Responsibility is also balanced activity in accordance with the spirit of social responsibility, and with respect to the principles of ecology and universal ethical principles.


Krakow School of Business is a unit of Krakow University of Economics – the University with traditions and achievements. Taking advantage of the traditions and experience as well as predictability of existence guarantee stability for students and staff. KSB KUE follows clear and firm principles. Its education programs account for current market trends, and at the same time are based on own over-25-year-old experience in delivering educational services.


This means applying the ”win–win” principle in the relations with all the KSB KUE stakeholders: the home university, students, staff and partner institutions.

The Krakow University of Economics, thanks to the presence of KSB KUE within the University, plays the role of competence center in the area of management, finances and economics on the highest European level. In turn, KSB KUE, thanks to functioning within the structures of KUE, has access to a high number of qualified lecturers and also takes advantage of the power of the brand of the home university.

KSB KUE conducts a permanent dialogue with students when it comes to current program needs, the quality of teaching and the quality of the delivered services. Through the continuous monitoring of the students’ satisfaction level, KSB KUE develops and improves teaching programs, didactics, communication methods and the quality of the delivered services. In this relationship, students obtain the highest quality of educational services offered in a friendly atmosphere. The School not only delivers educational services but also, being a center of economic and business thought, it builds a society of alumni and students based on professional and personal connections.

The KSB KUE employees are treated as partners. The School creates a stable and friendly place for work and the development of personal competences, and follows clear and honest principles.

The KSB KUE employees treat the School as the main place of work, they identify themselves with its goals and are involved in the duties they perform.

Partnership also means having partners among educational centers around the world. KSB KUE benefits from such partnership by including the international thought in the areas of management, economics and finances into the delivered services as well as by raising the value of the School diplomas on the labor market. The School’s foreign partners obtain an opportunity of educating students on the Polish market.


The School existence is justified by the delivery of educational services to students. The legitimacy of the activities, operations and regulations implemented by KSB KUE is analyzed from the point of view of the value delivered to the student – the final client. This means flexibility and personalized approach to the students’ needs while maintaining the principles which guarantee the highest quality of the educational services delivered to all students.


The common feature of all undertaken activities is that attention is paid to the high quality. In everyday work of the faculty and administrative staff reliability means doing more than just the necessary minimum. This is also team work and mutual support, as a result of which a high quality result is delivered to students, employees, the University and other stakeholders, irrespective of the current situation inside the KSB KUE organization.


This principle refers to the transparency of rules and their consistent application with regard to the KSB KUE staff and students. In the area of the delivered services this means a clear and straightforward communication on recruitment requirements and studying, teaching programs, requirements that must be met to obtain a passing grade. This also means presenting the situation truthfully, even though the truth may temporarily be difficult to accept by the stakeholder.

Most of the values well correspond with the Ethical Standards of Krakow University of Economics, as specified in the Resolution of the Senate No. 38/2011 dated 26th of September 2011.

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