Władze i Rada Szkoły - Krakowska Szkoła Biznesu UEK | Krakow School of Business

Krakowska Szkoła Biznesu UEK

Krakowska Szkoła Biznesu UEK

Władze KSB UEK


dr hab. Marcin Jędrzejczyk, prof. UEK

Dyrektor KSB UEK

mgr inż. Patrycja Kołodziejczyk

Zastępca Dyrektora KSB UEK

Międzynarodowa Rada Szkoły


> Hendrik Lohse, DBA
Przewodniczący Rady
Associate Professor in Organisational Behaviour
Former Dean of Development,
EM Normandie Business School, France

> Prof. Maria de Fátima Carioca
AESE Business School, Portugal

> Mrs. Amy Daly Gardner
Associate Dean and Director of Graduate Recruitment,
Clark University, US

> Dr. Jean-Christophe Hauguel
Dean and Director General,
ISC Paris, France

> Assoc. Prof. Tatiana King, Ph.D.
Head of the Auditing and Control in Accounting Research Group
School of Accounting and Finance,
University of Vaasa, Finland

> Prof. John LaBrie, Ed.D.
School of Professional Studies,
Clark University, US

> Prof. Cecile Nieuwenhuizen
DHET-NRF SARChI Chair in Entrepreneurship Education,
College of Business and Economics,
University of Johannesburg, Republic of South Africa

> Dawid Ostręga
Country Head,
HTEC Group, Poland

> Przemysław Powalacz, MBA
President of the Management Board,
Zasada Group, Poland

> Dr. Ian Richardson
Director of Executive Education,
Stockholm Business School, Sweden

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w Krakowskiej Szkole Biznesu​ UEK